
Saturday, December 12, 2009


Wow…really long long time have not post anything here. Maybe I’m getting lazy in these few weeks. So, I just make a summary about my life during these few weeks.

First of all, thank you for those friends who sent some birthday wishes to me few days ago. ありがとう。I also received a custom-made birthday card from the small little boy from my neighbour in PJ. (l will upload it later) Sometimes I felt that a simple and normal present will still give a deep impression to someone. So, how was my birthday? Erm… the whole afternoon just staying at home to do my assignment, since my homework already stacked until so much. At night, I went to Pizza Uno to celebrate with my family and relatives as well. When I was back to my hostel in Melati, I was presented two pieces to cakes from my housemate. Thanks a lot ~ ^^

Second thing that I would like to share is that my Japanese lecturer already left us and to back to Japan. Our whole class is like orphans since he left. However, I must say that we are so lucky that we have been ‘adopted’ by a lecturer who is teaching another class. Our real Japanese lesson starts here. The first few weeks are like listen to the former lecturer ‘bullshiting’ around without learning anything. Now only I know Japanese class can be so interesting. ~Omoshiroi desu~

Erm..i think that is enough for this time since I’m lazy to continue. I’ll stop now. Bye~

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