
Sunday, December 20, 2009

The End of the Most Suffering Week

Weather: Rainny
Level of Happiness: 85%

(20 Dec 09)My friends and I was participating in the Project Exhibition (ProDEx) 2009 as a helper. At 1st, we thought that the helpers are just like those who are responsible for distributing the foods and drinks to the participants, helping in stage decoration and doing those simple things. However, when we attend the 1st meeting, we were asked to create the Flash and think about the opening ceremony plus the stage design. Oh my god! We were stunned at the moment since I even have not heard about Flash before and totally do not have an idea on what the flash is….

Throughout the following weeks, my partner and I were struggling to create the flash by using Adobe Flash software. The worst thing happened in last week, i.e. we had to stay in the college every day from 7.30am until 9pm and had to skip a lot of lectures and tutorial classes. Something good is that finally we found that a lecturer is willing to help us on the flash.

The result of one-week hard works can only be shown on the few minutes during the opening ceremony. During the moment, I was so nervous since hundreds one people, including all VIP’s are looking at our flash. Luckily, everything went on smoothly during that day. After that, out job have done. That is the moment that I can back to enjoy my normal life. Anyway, I still have to put more effort to pick up what I have missed for the lessons since this week is my Japanese language exam, emf test, math assignment due date.

After 2pm, I straight away went home since my job has done. We went to 1-U to watch 风云II. Frankly speaking, it is such a lousy movie. I think they had put in too much of effects until the whole movie becomes an animation. Anyway, I still give it a PASS for that movie since the story is quite OK.

After the movie, we went to Murni SS2 to have our dinner. Although at 1st we have lost our way to go there, we still managed to reach the destination finally. I have ordered a piece of Roti Special as my dinner. We went home after the dinner. The only thing that I intended to do when I reached home is SLEEP. Basically these are what have happened in this week. I have to stop now. Bye~

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