Weather: Rainy
Level of Happiness: 78%
Level of Tension: 87%
Tik…tok….tik….tok… Ring……..Oh no…one day left!!! After tomorrow, it is the day that represents the end of my holiday. It is the day that symbolize the beginning of the new semester (the last semester at penang branch campus). It is the day that pulls me out from the holiday mood to STPM mood. (*STPM- Stress, Tension, Pressure, Mental-torture) Oh no… I hate these feelings!!!
When I 1st look at the time-table of the 3rd semester, I already know that it will not be so enjoyable anymore. Every day, the class starts from early in the morning until nearly at night. Oh no….swt! I think I can’t be so enjoy like year 1 semester 3. We don’t have time to go sushi king at gurney to enjoy our lunch. We don’t have time to go for steamboat,bbq. We don’t have time to stay back for our favorite sports, ie swimming, gym…. We can’t plan to go here & there anymore. Erm…maybe I should say “We hardly have time to do this and that besides the ever ending assignments and projects”.
I was told that we have to do our final year project for our diploma in this semester. Everyday go A lab, B lab, do this … do that..OMG..!! I don’t want this!! I want to go for shopping!!! Go for travelling!!! Yo~ I want my honey-moon final semester ~
Oh ..aLaMaK!```` almost forget. The day after tomorrow is also the day where results will be released. Oh no…don’t know how many subjects will I fail…erm…two? three? ten? hundred?~~ Next time eat porridge or rice also depends on it. Haha…. Anyway, all the best to all my friends. Although the environment in Penang is very nice and we love it so much, I still hope that all of us will not have a chance to stay here for one more year. :-)
Ok la~ until here today. Bye~